Vincent Gable’s Blog

April 18, 2009

Too Fabulous For Me

Filed under: Announcement | ,
― Vincent Gable on April 18, 2009

I bring this up, because it’s an example of when branding has caused me to pass on buying a product I otherwise liked.

Tab Energy is the best tasting diet energy drink I’ve had. Period. To me it had a pomegranate flavor, but I’ve heard it described as “jolly rancher” and “watermelon”.

It’s expensive, even within the it’s-so-over-priced-you-should-just-take-some-pills-and-juice-instead1 energy drink market. But the real shame, for me, is the fabulous branding. It’s not just gender issues, there’s nothing about the lifestyle the advertising promotes that I can embrace. Judge harshly for yourself,

So I’ve never put a pack of it in my shopping cart. Very rarely I’ve picked up single servings from convince stores — unlike the boxes, the cans don’t have “You go, Girl!” and “Shop till you drop!” printed on the front. I haven’t had a Tab Energy in over a year and a half.

1Caffeine pills and B-vitiman supplements are an order of magnitude cheaper.

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