Vincent Gable’s Blog

February 23, 2009

Laptop Mats

Filed under: Announcement,Design,Usability | , ,
― Vincent Gable on February 23, 2009

I just really want somebody to make a good portable cooling pad for portable computers.

Laptops1 are too hot to be used on a lap. This Penny Arcade comic says it best, if a little crudely,

Using this Macbook is like putting my dick in a George Foreman Grill. Okay? It’s like making a penis panini.

There’s a real need for something to keep your your lap cool. You can buy gel cooling pads. But I have reservations about them. The biggest is the weight of the gel. And according to reviews, eventually the pad absorbs enough heat to turn into a hot pad.

My solution is inspired by sushi mats:


It’s a very simple idea really, instead of bamboo slats, you use hollow aluminum tubes in the mat. That gives you an extremely light pad that’s easy to roll up and carry anywhere. It keeps the hot computer off your lap, draws heat away from the computer. (Aluminum has been used to make heat sinks for decades.)

Oh, and just in case you were wondering I’m using a book to protect my lap as I write this. But books are heavy, so I only carry one if I need to refer to the book.

If you have a better way to stay cool while working on the road, please share!

I’m counting netbooks (inexpensive, ultraportable but slow computers) as separate from “laptops”. Certainly many netbooks work just fine on top of the lap. But some people will always need more powerful laptops.

February 19, 2009

Sustainable Design

Filed under: Announcement,Design | , ,
― Vincent Gable on February 19, 2009

Good design is endearing. When people like something, they keep it, and don’t replace it. Well designed products tend to stick around — for generations.

In this way, good design encourages reuse; discourages disposability.

It may be much more costly, monetarily and environmentally, to build something outstanding. An exceptional design can mean exceptionally difficult manufacturing. But savings mount up over time, as the artifact endures, and eliminates many disposable products.

I still shave with straight razors that are 60-80 years old. Although manufacturing, say a new Thiers-Issard razor, is expensive, the legions of disposable shavers it nullifies will grow for decades, possibly centuries.

Good design really is good for the planet.

February 11, 2009

Black on White, White on Black

Filed under: Announcement,MacOSX,Sample Code,Tips,Usability | , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on February 11, 2009

Command-Option-Control-8 will invert your screen. It’s a cool looking effect (and quite a prank if you do it to someone else’s machine), but most importantly it makes tiny-white-text-on-black webpages easier to read. Command Plus/Minus makes text larger/smaller, which helps too.

I’ve known for some time that dark text on a white background is most readable. But it until recently it was just “book learnin”. I’m young, my eyes are healthy, and I can read both color schemes just fine. I didn’t have proof I could see.

But I have trouble sleeping sometimes. A few days ago I had an “accident” with a 2L bottle of Mountain Dew and a late-night dinner of salty pizza. Look, the details of blame aren’t important here, the point is I didn’t get to sleep that night. Now, when you are very tired, it’s harder to focus your eyes — and having to focus them on a computer screen doesn’t help. About 3 in the afternoon it got downright painful to read trendy looking webpages with midnight backgrounds and petite white text. Remembering the color theory behind contrast, I gave Command-Option-Control-8 a shot, and holy shit, it worked! My screen looked like an adventure in black-lighting gone horribly wrong. But I could focus on those webpage’s text more clearly. Degraded vision from eye-fatigue gave me proof that I could see.

Now please don’t take this as anything but a biased anecdote. Trust the science, not me! But it was a neat (and painful) experience. I can see why Command-Option-Control-8 is there now. Give it a try sometime, and see if it helps for you. The most you have to lose is impressing any shoulder surfers with your computer wizardry. (Honestly though Command-Plus — make text bigger — will probably do more to enhance readability.)

Just in case you want to inver the screen programatically, this Apple Script will do the job:
tell application "System Events" to tell application processes to key code 28 using {command down, option down, control down}

February 9, 2009

Resolution Independent Screenshots

Filed under: Announcement,MacOSX,Programming | , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on February 9, 2009

Leopard includes technology that generates (mostly) resolution independent screenshots. That means when you enlarge the pictures, they won’t get pixelated, and more importantly, they will stay sharp when printed.

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a printout of text mixed with a screenshot of text, but it looks like ass. That’s because even a very cheap printer is much higher resolution then your screen. It prints text very sharply. But when it prints the screen shot, it reproduces the low resolution display in high-fedelity — which actually makes it look worse. Plus, computers use tricks (eg sub pixel antialiasing) to make text look sharper on LCD screens — but those tricks can backfire on other media. A screenshot grabs exactly the pixels shown on the screen. And those pixels are optimized to be shown on a screen, not paper.


Here’s an example screenshot (PDF). It looks like this:

If you open it, and zoom in, you will see that the text stays sharp, while some (but not all) of the interface gets pixelated.


How it Was Made

When (click to open) saves a workflow, it puts a (mostly) resolution-independent screenshot of the workflow’s UI inside it. The screenshot is at SomeWorkflow.workflow/Contents/QuickLook/Preview.pdf. (In Finder, right-click a .workflow file, and choose “Show Package Contents” to look inside it).

If you print a workflow to a PDF file, it has the same limited resolution-independence. So I suspect generates this PDF in much the same way files are printed. I have not investigated why the gray border is vectorized as well as the text. If anyone has an insight there, I’d love to hear it.

In the future, I expect text, and most UI elements, to be represented as vectors at every level of the OS. Screenshots will capture those vector-elements, as as they capture pixel-elements (pixels) today.

Google Monoculture

Filed under: Announcement | , , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on February 9, 2009

Jeff Atwood remarked,

Google delivers 350x the traffic to Stack Overflow that the next best so-called “search engine” does. Three hundred and fifty times!

All I can say is that’s a Belgium big number!

Here’s his data:

Search Engine Visits
Google 3,417,919
Yahoo 9,779
Live 5,638
Search 2,961
AOL 1,274
Ask 1,186
MSN 1,177
Altavista 202
Yandex 191
Seznam 103

The server logs for, for 2008, show google giving me a much more modest 3.6x of my traffic.

13 different refering search engines Pages Percent Hits Percent
Google 3039 72.8 % 3047 72.3 %
Windows Live 1055 25.3 % 1055 25 %
Google (Images) 40 0.9 % 41 0.9 %
Yahoo! 12 0.2 % 12 0.2 %
MSN Search 7 0.1 % 7 0.1 %
Unknown search engines 4 0 % 4 0 %
Google (cache) 3 0 % 35 0.8 %
Scroogle 3 0 % 3 0 % (Social Bookmark) 2 0 % 2 0 %
AOL 1 0 % 1 0 %
Clusty 1 0 % 1 0 %
Dogpile 1 0 % 1 0 %
AltaVista 1 0 % 1 0 %

Of course, having 3.6x as much market share as everyone else combined is still market domination.

I can’t speculate why the numbers for my niche website are different from Attwood’s niche website (especially w.r.t Live Search).

But Yahoo’s consistently irrelevant 0.3% and 0.2% of referrals looks especially bad for them. Google has too few competitors.

January 24, 2009

Schneier on Security for Designers

Filed under: Accessibility,Announcement,Design,Security | , ,
― Vincent Gable on January 24, 2009

I highly recommend Bruce Schneier’s blog. Security involves thinking about what how things can go wrong, and that’s an excellent skill for any designer to have. Psychologically people are biased to remember catastrophically bad experiences, and can develop an adversarial relationship to something from just one bad experience, if it’s unpleasant enough. Minimizing unpleasantness can be more important then optimizing goodness, when trying to cultivate a good relationship with users.

January 20, 2009

Control Screen Saver Security With Automator

Filed under: Announcement,Security | , , ,
― Vincent Gable on January 20, 2009

Set Screen Saver Security sets the time until the screen saver activates, and whether a password is required to unlock the screen saver.


Every company I’ve worked for that had an office also had a rule that any computer in the office had to be password-protected with a screensaver that kicked in pretty quickly. But at home it’s annoying to have to unlock your own laptop when you get up to make a sandwich.

If you use the same computer at home and in the office, IMLocation can use this action to lock down your computer at work, but leave it easy-to-use at home.

I recommend trying IMLocation (which includes the Set Screen Saver Security action) for best results.

January 19, 2009

Setting iChat Status With Automator

Filed under: Announcement,MacOSX | , ,
― Vincent Gable on January 19, 2009

Set iChat Status is an Automator action that sets your status message, and availability in iChat. Amazingly, this action did not ship with Mac OS X.


I wrote it, because I wanted a user-friendly way for people to control iChat in IMLocation workflows.

I Need Your Help, Tiger

This action should run on Mac OS X 10.4. But since I don’t have a second computer running Tiger, I’m not sure. If someone would let me know if this works on Tiger I would really appreciate it! It should work just fine, but you know what they say about “should”…


January 13, 2009

Automatically Closing NSFW Content (Beta)

Filed under: Announcement,MacOSX | , , ,
― Vincent Gable on January 13, 2009

I’ve finally implemented a neat feature for IMLocation that I’ve wanted to do for a while now, when you arrive at work, it can automagically close NSFW webpages. NSFW content is detected using the same technology behind Mac OS X’s Parental Controls.

I recommend downloading IMLocation to get the full effect, but you can also get just the automator action. Leopard is required, and it only works with Safari right now.

As you guessed, there is a trade-off between accidentally closing important webpages and letting questionable content slip through. I’m not yet sure what the best way to expose tweaking this tradeoff is. In the mean time I’ve chosen the more-confusing-but-powerful road, because I think it’s best to start with something that can do the job, and then refine and simplify it.


I want this to work with Firefox, but I am hamstrung by Firefox’s poor-to-nonexistant AppleScript support. (In the meantime you can try the worksafer Firefox plugin, but it’s not a true substitute).

Firefox is geared towards extension through plugins, while Safari has a less-rich plugin architecture, but good scripting support. Arguably, the Firefox way is better for a web-browser. I’ve seen some really cool Firefox plugins that extend the web-browsing experience in ways a script just can’t. Unfortunately, what I’m trying to do — have NSFW content automatically closed for you when you get to work — is the sort of thing a script does well, and a plugin does cumbersomely, if at all.

If anyone has some advice on how to hack around Firefox’s limitations please drop me a line. Right now my prognosis is “a lot of work for a clunky payoff”, so right now I’m focusing on more pressing concerns.

December 28, 2008

Open Radar

Filed under: Announcement,MacOSX,Programming | ,
― Vincent Gable on December 28, 2008

Open Radar is a place for developers to share bug reports they have filed with Apple. Please post bugs there after you have filed them with Apple.

Understandably, third-party developers don’t have access to Apple’s bug database.

But that means they can’t see bugs someone else has filed, hence Open Radar. (Update 2009-01-04: to give you an idea of how difficult this can be, recently Apple closed some of bugs I filed as “Duplicate”, but I can’t read the original bug report they are tied back to. So I have no way of knowing what the status of the fix is, if they have a work around, or even if it’s already been fixed.)

Amazingly “(it was) less than 24 hours from idea proposition to (Open Radar) being built, deployed, and used.” That should give you an idea of how useful this can be.

Open Radar is still nascent. There’s no RSS feed for example. But with community involvement, it can only get better.

I’ve filled my bugs, have you?

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