Vincent Gable’s Blog

December 16, 2008


Checking if a Cocoa object is empty is a little harder then in other languages, say C++, (but easier in some ways). Because every object in Objective-C is actually a pointer to an object, there are two ways, obj, can be empty.

obj = {}

obj points to an object that is empty. Say an array with 0 items, or the string "", etc..

obj = nil

obj, the pointer obj, is NULL, nil, 0, or whatever you want to call it. You might argue that obj isn’t really an object, but it is empty, because there’s nothing in it.


When I first started writing Objective-C, I made the mistake of writing code like: if([name isEqualToString:@""]){ ... }, to test for empty strings. And this code would work for a while until I used it in a situation where name was nil, and then, because sending any method called on nil “returns” NO, I would have mysterious errors. (Worse then a crash, because it’s harder to track down.)


It’s tempting to avoid the previous bug, by explicitly testing for nil and {}. Say with code like:

if (email == nil || ![email isEqualTo:@""] )
   email = @"An email address is required";

But generally this is a bad idea. It means more code, which means more places for a bug. I know it’s only one trivial test, but I’m serious, when I say it’s asking for a bug — like the bug in the example above, which sets email to @"An email address is required", whenever it is not the empty string, rather then when it is empty. (Values have been changed tho protect the innocent but it’s a bug I’ve seen.)


Wil Shipley suggests using the global function:

static inline BOOL IsEmpty(id thing) {
    return thing == nil
        || ([thing respondsToSelector:@selector(length)]
        && [(NSData *)thing length] == 0)
        || ([thing respondsToSelector:@selector(count)]
        && [(NSArray *)thing count] == 0);

I’ve been using his IsEmpty() for about a year. I’ve had zero problems with it, while it’s made my code more readable and concise.

Another solution is to take advantage of what happens when you send a message to nil. (To over-simplify, you get back 0 or NO.) So you can just say “if ([obj count] == 0) then obj is empty.” This often means reversing your thinking, and testing “IsNotEmpty()” instead of “IsEmpty()”. I don’t think it’s as clear is IsEmpty() in general, but in cases where it is, there you have it.

December 8, 2008

C Comment Trivia

Filed under: Bug Bite,C++,Objective-C,Programming | , ,
― Vincent Gable on December 8, 2008

//I'll bet \
you \
didn't \
know \
you \
could \
comment \
like \
this \
in \

Well, you can. Finding out was a lot of fun, believe me.

At some point, I’m not sure when, I unknowingly put a ‘\’ at the end of a block of // comments. That commented out the method-call the block was referring to. As you might guess from the fact that it had a big comment talking about why it was there, this was an important method call. I spent more time then I want to admit debugging and staring at my code trying to see the problem. Finally I noticed “hey, the color of that code is like a comment, even though it’s not in a comment”.

The More You Know!

July 17, 2008

Null-Terminated Argument Lists

Filed under: Bug Bite,C++,Cocoa,Design,Objective-C,Programming,Usability | , , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on July 17, 2008

I was using +[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:] to make a new dictionary, but one of the objects in the dictionary was the result of a call to a method that was returning nil, so the dictionary was incomplete.

This got me thinking about NULL/nil terminated argument lists. I don’t think they are a great idea (the compiler should be able to handle the list-termination for you!), but I think they are an especially bad idea in Objective-C.

The problem that it’s very common to have a nil object in Objective-C, relative to, say C++. Many Cocoa methods return nil on error. Since doing stuff with nil (generally) won’t cause an exception, these nils stick around much longer then in other languages. As you can see, nil is a pretty poor choice of a sentinel value.

It’s the 21st century! The compiler could tell an Obj-C method using a variable-argument-list how many arguments are in the list. This is trivial when all arguments are of type id. Since Obj-C methods use a radically different syntax from C functions, it shouldn’t effect existing C-code. Unfortunately, I don’t see this being added, because Objective-C is already so mature.

In the meantime. Be a little more suspicious of any objective-C methods taking a NULL-terminated list. I wish I had a perfect solution to avoid them, but I don’t! Sometimes they are the best way to do something. If you have a great work-around for constructing, say an NSDictionary with a variable number of key/values please let me know!

June 6, 2008


Filed under: Bug Bite,C++,Cocoa,Design,Objective-C,Programming
― Vincent Gable on June 6, 2008

This bug was frustrating enough that half-way through squashing it, I promised myself I would document the solution. Unfortunately, it’s not a particularly interesting bug, but a promise is a promise!

I had some code very much like:

typedef enum {NoError, ReadError, WriteError, NetworkError, UnknownError} ErrorType;
void DescriptionOfError(ErrorType err, char *string)
         strcpy(string, "Could not read data.");
         strcpy(string, "Could not write data!");

         strcpy(string, "Network Error. Make sure you have an internet connection and try again");
         strcpy(string, "No error.");

         strcpy(string, "Unknown error.");

int main (int argc, char** argv)
   char desc[1024];
   printf("error: %s\n", desc);
   return 0;

And it just wouldn’t do the right thing, but for the life of me I couldn’t see what was wrong.

The “solution” was very simple, and somewhat embarrassing. I forgot the case keyword before the labels in the switch statement. Turns out that if you don’t have a case in-front of a label, it’s treated like a goto label, not a switch label. And this is something that I’ve known for years, but for 20 minutes I kept reading the code, and my brain would interpret what it should say, not literally analyze it.

This was extremely frustrating, not because it took me a long time to fix (I wish all my bugs could be squashed in just 20 minutes!), but because the results I was seeing totally violated my mental model of what should have happened. Violating someone’s mental model is more unsettling then you might imagine — avoid doing it at all costs.

My First Octal Value

Filed under: Bug Bite,C++,Cocoa,Objective-C,Programming | , , ,
― Vincent Gable on June 6, 2008

Octal is useless today. It is easy to convert between octal and binary, so octal was used in some early computers. But hexadecimal has totally replaced it in modern use. There’s no advantage that octal has over hexadecimal, which is why hexadecimal has replaced it.

The C programming language has support for values in octal. This wouldn’t be a problem, except for the horrible syntax used to define octal values.

In C, any integral value that starts with 0 is interpreted as octal! So 010 is eight, not ten. I’ve been bitten by this before. I don’t know why this syntax was chosen over an 0o prefix (which google calculator uses), that would match the 0x prefix for defining hexadecimal values. In retrospect it was almost certainly a mistake to go with the current syntax.

Anyway, the reason I’m writing this is because for the first time ever, I used an octal value in a C program. I had to create a directory structure that could be be accessed by different accounts on the same system. So I had to explicitly set it’s permissions when I created it with createDirectoryAtPath:attributes: . I wanted the NSFilePosixPermissions value that determines the folders permissions to have the same format that the chmod command takes. And it takes an octal value. So 0777 is the first, and only, octal constant that I’ve written in any program. Even when I’ve written in assembly I’ve used hexadecimal. There’s a good chance I will never write another octal value — I hope that’s the case.

April 23, 2008

Printing a FourCharCode

Filed under: Bug Bite,C++,Cocoa,MacOSX,Programming,Sample Code,Tips | , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on April 23, 2008

A lot of Macintosh APIs take or return a 32-bit value that is supposed to be interpreted as a four character long string. (Anything using one of the types FourCharCode, OSStatus, OSType, ResType, ScriptCode, UInt32, CodecType probably does this.) The idea is that the value 1952999795 tells you less, and is harder to remember, then 'this'.

It’s a good idea, unfortunately there isn’t a simple way to print integers as character strings. So you have to write your own code to print them out correctly, and since it has to print correctly on both big endian and little endian machines this is tricker then it should be. I’ve done it incorrectly before, but more importantly so has Apple’s own sample code!

Here are the best solutions I’ve found. Please let me know if you have a better way, or if you find any bugs. (The code is public-domain, so use it any way you please.)

FourCharCode to NSString:
use NSString *NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode(OSType code);
Results are developer-readable and look like: @"'this'", but Apple says “The format of the string is a private implementation detail”, so don’t write code that depends on the format.

FourCharCode to a C-string (char*):
use the C-macro

#define FourCC2Str(code) (char[5]){(code >> 24) & 0xFF, (code >> 16) & 0xFF, (code >> 8) & 0xFF, code & 0xFF, 0}
(requires -std=c99; credit to Joachim Bengtsson). Note that the resulting C-string is statically allocated on the stack, not dynamically allocated on the heap; do not return it from a function.
If you want a value on the heap, try:

void fourByteCodeString (UInt32 code, char* str){
  sprintf(str, "'%c%c%c%c'",
    (code >> 24) & 0xFF, (code >> 16) & 0xFF,
    (code >> 8) & 0xFF, code & 0xFF);

In GDB, you can print a number as characters like so:

(gdb) print/T 1936746868
$4 = 'spit'

(via Borkware’s GDB tips)

If you do end up rolling your own FourCharCode printer (and I don’t recommend it!), then be sure to use arithmetic/shifting to extract character values from the integer. You can not rely on the layout of the integer in memory, because it will change on different machines. Even if you are certain that you’re code will only run on an x86 machine, it’s still a bad idea. It limits the robustness and reusability of your code. It sets you up for an unexpected bug if you ever do port your code. And things change unexpectedly in this business.

Printing a FourCharCode is harder then it should be. Experienced developers who should know better have been bitten by it (and so have I). The best solution is probably a %format for printf/NSLog that prints integers as character strings. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’ll be seeing that anytime soon.

April 7, 2008

foreach For The Win

Filed under: C++,Cocoa,Design,Objective-C,Programming,Research
― Vincent Gable on April 7, 2008

I love foreach. What I really mean is that I really like dead-simple ways to iterate over the items in a container, one at a time. It goes beyond syntactic sugar; making errors harder to write, and easier to spot.

I’m using the term “foreach”, because the first time I realized the utility of simple iteration was seeing Michael Tsai’s foreach macro. I instantly fell in love with the ‘keyword’, because it greatly simplifies iterating over items in a Cocoa container. My reaction was so strong, because the (then current) Cocoa iteration idiom I was using was so bad. As Jonathan ‘Wolf’ Rentzsch says:

I have a number of issues with enumeration in Cocoa/ObjC. Indeed, I have a problem with every one of the three lines necessary in the standard idiom. It even goes beyond that — I have an problem with the very fact it’s three lines of code versus one.

Objective-C 2.0 (Leopard and later) introduced Fast Enumeration. It’s a better way of handling enumeration then Michael Tsai’s macro, but if you are stuck using Objective-C 1.0, then I highly recommend using his foreach macro.

I do not like the C++ stl for_each idiom. It’s not simple enough.

To explain what’s wrong with for_each I should explain what a “foreach” should look like. It should be a two-argument construct: “foreach (item, container)“, and no more. container should be evaluated only once. Syntax details aren’t terribly important, as long as they make sense.
foreach(child, naughtyList)
iterate(child, naughtyList)
ForEach(String child, naughtyList)
for child in naughyList:
for(NSString *child in naughtyList)
Are all fine constructs.

The most obvious benefits of a foreach is that it’s less code, easier to write, and less work to read. Implemented correctly, it also makes bugs harder to write — mostly because it minimizes side effects in the loop construct. For example, do you see the bug in the following code?

for( list<shared_ptr<const Media> >::iterator it = selectedMedias->selectedMediaList().begin(); it != selectedMedias->selectedMediaList().end(); ++it )

I didn’t; and it’s kind of a trick question. ->selectedMediaList() isn’t an accessor function — it constructs a new list every time it is called. So selectedMediaList() != selectedMediaList() because it returns a different list each time. The loop never terminates because it will never equal end(), since it is the end of a different list. But you have no way of knowing this without knowing details of what selectedMediaList() does.

Using BOOST_FOREACH avoids the problem:
BOOST_FOREACH(shared_ptr<const CSMediaLib::Media> media, selectedMedias->selectedMediaList())
works regardless of how selectedMediaList() is implemented, because it is only evaluated once. It’s also easier to write, and to read. I haven’t used BOOST_FOREACH much, but it’s been totally positive so far. (Yes, the name is ugly, but that’s not important).

Loops are a staple of programming. Simplifying and error-proofing the most common kind of loop is a huge productivity win. foreach regardless of it’s flavor, is worth a try.

February 26, 2008

this is Confusing, self is Not

Filed under: C++,Objective-C,Programming,Usability | , ,
― Vincent Gable on February 26, 2008

Most diction decisions, like choosing the keyword nil over NULL seem inconsequential. Sure, n-i-l is probably faster to type then shift+n-u-l-l, but the difference is too small to matter. Both terms are clear.

However after today I’m convinced that the C++ convention of using the keyword this, over self, was a mistake. “This” is just too common of a pronoun. It’s too easy to say something like “..this is invalid..”, and leave people wondering if you meant that-this or self-this.

I’d be interested to know the reasoning behind choosing the ambiguous keyword “this” over the precedent “self”.

I plan to refer to “this” as “self” whenever possible for a time, to see if it’s less confusing, even to habitual C++ users.

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