Vincent Gable’s Blog

November 24, 2008

How To Put a % in an NSString/NSLog/printf

Filed under: Cocoa,MacOSX,Objective-C,Programming | , , , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on November 24, 2008

%% is turned into a single % in a call to NSLog, or -[NSString stringWithFormat:], or the printf-family of functions.

Note that %%format will become %format, even if %format usually prints an argument. For example, the code

NSLog(@"%%a will print a float in a machine-readable format, so that *scanf can read it back in from a string with no loss of precision.", 1.0f);


%a will print a float in a machine-readable format, so that *scanf can read
it back in from a string with no loss of precision.


%0x1p+0 will print a float in a machine-readable format, so that *scanf can read it back in from a string with no loss of precision.

November 14, 2008

Prefer copy Over retain

Filed under: Bug Bite,Cocoa,Objective-C,Programming | , ,
― Vincent Gable on November 14, 2008

(Almost) every time you use retain in Objective-C/Cocoa, you really should be using copy. Using retain can introduce some subtle bugs, and copy is faster then you think…

A Bug Waiting To Bite

The problem with using retain to “take ownership” of an object is that someone else has a pointer to the same object, and if they change it, you will be affected.

For example, let’s say you have a Person class with a straightforward setter method:
- (void) setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace:(NSArray*)newNames {
   [thingsToCallTheBossToHisFace autorelease];
   thingsToCallTheBossToHisFace = [newNames retain];

And you use it to initialize a few Person objects:

NSMutableArray *appropriateNames = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:@"Mr. Smith"];
[anIntern setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace:appropriateNames];

//Salaried Employees can also be a bit more informal
[appropriateNames addObject:@"Joe"];
[aSalariedEmployee setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace:appropriateNames];

//the wife can also use terms of endearment
[appropriateNames addObject:@"Honey"];
[appropriateNames addObject:@"Darling"];
[theBossesWife setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace:appropriateNames];

The code looks good, it compiles without error, and it has a bug in it. Because setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace: uses retain, each Person object’s thingsToCallTheBossToHisFace field is actually pointing to the exact same NSMutableArray. So adding “darling” to the list of names the wife can use also adds it to the intern’s vocabulary.

If copy was used instead, then each Person would have their own separate list of names, insulated from changes to the temporary variable appropriateNames.

A Sneaky Bug Too

This is a particularly insidious problem in Foundation/Cocoa, because mutable objects are subclasses of immutable objects. This means every NSMutableThing is also a NSThing. So even if a method is declared to take an immutable object, if someone passes in a mutable object by accident, there will be no compile-time or run-time warnings.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a good way to enforce that a method takes an object, but not a subclass. Because Foundation makes heavy use of class clusters, it’s very difficult to figure out if you have an immutable class, or it’s mutable subclass. For example, with:
NSArray *immutableArray = [NSArray array];
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray array];

[immutableArray isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] is YES
[immutableArray isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]] is YES
[mutableArray isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] is YES
[mutableArray isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]] is YES
[mutableArray isKindOfClass:[immutableArray class]] is YES
[immutableArray isKindOfClass:[mutableArray class]] is YES

Sad, but true.

copy Is Fast!

With nearly every immutable Foundation object, copy and retain are the same thing — there is absolutely no penalty for using copy over retain! The only time you would take a performance hit using copy would be if the object actually was mutable. And then you really do want to copy it, to avoid bugs!

The only exceptions I know of are: NSDate, and NSAttributedString.

But don’t just take my word for it! Here’s the snippet of code I used to test all this:

NSMutableArray *objects = [NSMutableArray array];
//add anything that can be made with alloc/init
NSArray *classNames = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"NSArray", @"NSColor", @"NSData", @"NSDictionary", @"NSSet", @"NSString", nil];
for(NSString *className in classNames) {
   id obj = [[NSClassFromString(className) alloc] init];
      [objects addObject:obj];
      NSLog(@"WARNING: Could not instatiate an object of class %@", className);

//manually add objects that must be created in a unique way
[objects addObject:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@""]];
[objects addObject:[NSDate date]];
[objects addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
[objects addObject:[NSValue valueWithSize:NSZeroSize]];

//test if retain and copy do the same thing
for(id obj in objects)
   if(obj != [obj copy])
      NSLog(@"copy and retain are not equvalent for %@ objects", [obj className]);

Best Practices

Get in the habit of using copy, anytime you need to set or initWith something. In general, copy is safer then retain, so always prefer it.

I believe it is best to try copy first. If an object can not be copied, you will find out about it the first time your code is executed. It will be trivial to substitute retain for copy. But it is much harder, and takes much longer, to discover that you should have been using copy instead of retain.

A program must be correct before it can be made to run faster. And we have seen there is no performance penalty for copy on most common objects. So it makes sense to try copy first, and then replace it with retain if it proves to be necessary through measurement. You will be measuring before you start “optimizing”, right? (I also suspect that if taking ownership of an object is a bottle-neck, then the right optimization is not to switch to retain, but to find a way to use a mutable object, or an object pool, to avoid the “take ownership” step altogether.)

Choose copy, unless you have a measurable justification for using retain.

UPDATE 2009-11-10: Obj-C 2.0 blocks have some peculiarities,

For this reason, if you need to return a block from a function or method, you must [[block copy] autorelease] it, not simply [[block retain] autorelease] it.

August 31, 2008

Better List Termination

Filed under: MacOSX,Objective-C,Programming,Usability | , ,
― Vincent Gable on August 31, 2008

As I’ve written before, using nil to terminate a variable-length list (eg [NSArray arrayWithObject:foo,bar,nil]) is a bad choice because of how easy it is to get a nil value in Objective-C without knowing it. (Unlike, say C++, doing stuff with nil won’t cause an exception, leading to some subtle bugs). Well, here is a solution.

A Better Sentinel

#define END_OF_LIST ((id) -1)
is my current choice of a good sentinel-value. It is an invalid pointer, so unlike nil, you should never get it back from some library. Sending it any message will fail fast, and recognizably (you will see 0xFF...FF as an illegal address somewhere in the back-trace).


id aNilObject = nil;
NSArray *standard = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"1", @"2", aNilObject, @"4", nil];
NSArray *better = [NSArray arrayWithSentinelTerminatedObjects:@"1", @"2", aNilObject, @"4", END_OF_LIST];

standard = (
better = (

The Code:

#define END_OF_LIST ((id) -1)

@implementation NSArray (SentinelTerminatedConstructors)

+ (NSArray*) arrayWithSentinelTerminatedObjects:(id) firstObject, ...
   NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
   if (firstObject != END_OF_LIST)
         firstObject = [NSNull null];

      [array addObject:firstObject];
      id eachObject;
      va_list argumentList;
      va_start(argumentList, firstObject);
      while (END_OF_LIST != (eachObject = va_arg(argumentList, id)))
            eachObject = [NSNull null];

         [array addObject:eachObject];
   return array;


Some Downsides

arrayWithSentinelTerminatedObjects” is too long of a name. If you’ve got a better one, please share!

You won’t get a compiler-warning if you leave out END_OF_LIST, but if you compile with -Wformat, you will get a warning if you leave out nil. The full story

There are six collection creation methods in Foundation which require nil termination to function properly. They are:

+[NSArray arrayWithObjects:]
-[NSArray initWithObject:]
+[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:]
-[NSDictionary initWithObjectsAndKeys:]
+[NSSet setWithObjects:]
-[NSSet initWithObjects:]

These methods have been decorated with the NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION macro, which adds an additional check to invocations of those methods to make sure the nil has been included at the end of the argument list. This warning is only available when compiling with -Wformat.

What do you think?

Frankly, I haven’t used END_OF_LIST-terminated collection creation enough yet to have a final verdict. So please let me know what you think! Was this code useful? Did it cause problems, or preempt them? As always, if you have a better solution, please share!

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