Vincent Gable’s Blog

November 24, 2008

How To Put a % in an NSString/NSLog/printf

Filed under: Cocoa,MacOSX,Objective-C,Programming | , , , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on November 24, 2008

%% is turned into a single % in a call to NSLog, or -[NSString stringWithFormat:], or the printf-family of functions.

Note that %%format will become %format, even if %format usually prints an argument. For example, the code

NSLog(@"%%a will print a float in a machine-readable format, so that *scanf can read it back in from a string with no loss of precision.", 1.0f);


%a will print a float in a machine-readable format, so that *scanf can read
it back in from a string with no loss of precision.


%0x1p+0 will print a float in a machine-readable format, so that *scanf can read it back in from a string with no loss of precision.

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