Vincent Gable’s Blog

May 26, 2010

drain an NSAutoReleasePool Don’t release it

To clean up an NSAutoreleasePool, do [pool drain]; not [pool release];

In a garbage-collected environment, sending any object a release message is hardcoded by the runtime to do nothing (very quickly). So [pool release] won’t do anything. But [pool drain] will signal the garbage collector to cleanup, and works correctly (just like release) in a non-garbage-collected environment.

Why This Still Matters on an iPhone

The iPhone doesn’t have garbage collection today. That doesn’t mean it never will. RIM and Android both support some kind of garbage collection. I’m too grizzled an Apple developer to not future proof my code, because I’ve been effected by Apple making some major runtime changes (eg. switching between PowerPC, x86, x86_64, and ARM processors). Section 3.3.1 of the iPhone SDK agreement means Apple’s runtime is the only game in town. It pays to be sure your code always plays nicely with it.

Using drain also helps your code will play nice with Mac OS X. That gives you more options to re-use and monazite it. If you decide to go the open-route, it means more people will be able to use your code.

May 25, 2010

Write dealloc FIRST

Filed under: Bug Bite,Cocoa,Objective-C,Programming | , , ,
― Vincent Gable on May 25, 2010

As soon as you give a class a new instance variable (ivar), update the class’s dealloc method (and viewDidUnload, if the ivar is an IBOutlet) to clean up the ivar. Do this before you write the code using the new ivar. Here’s why:

Never Forget

You can’t forget to release an ivar, if the code that reaps it is in place before the code that creates it. Updating dealloc first means less memory leaks.

Even with an impossibly good testing protocol, that catches every memory leak, it’s faster to fix memory leaks before they happen than to track them down after the fact.

You Know More Than They Do

Sometimes there’s an important step that must be done when cleaning up an ivar. Maybe you need to set it’s delegate to nil, or unregister for a notification, or break a retain cycle. You know this when you setup the ivar. But your coworkers don’t know this a priori. When you checkin code that leaks or triggers an analyzer warning, they’ll want to fix it, and since they know less than you do about your code, they’re more likely to miss a crucial step. (Even if you work alone, remember Future You! In N weeks, Future You will have to deal with all the code Present You wrote today … and they’ll be in the same situation as any other co-worker, because they won’t remember everything Present You knows. )

May 19, 2010


Filed under: Cocoa,iPhone,MacOSX,Objective-C,Programming,Tips | , , ,
― Vincent Gable on May 19, 2010

How to remember Cocoa memory management:

Think NARC: “New Alloc Retain Copy”. If you are not doing any of those things, you don’t need to release.

–Andiih on Stack Overflow

Personally, I like to immediately autorelease anything I NARC-ed, on the same line. For example:

Foo* pityTheFoo = [[[Foo alloc] init] autorelease];

Admittedly, this makes for some ugly, bracey, lines. But I think it’s worth it, because you never having to worry about calling release if you also…

Use a @property (or Setter) Instead of retain

In other words I would write an init method that looked like:

- (id) init
	self = [super init];
	if (self) {
		_ivar = [[Foo alloc] init];
	return self;


- (id) init
	self = [super init];
	if (self) {
		self._ivar = [[[Foo alloc] init] autorelease];
	return self;

(Or [self setIvar:[[[Foo alloc] init] autorelease]]; if you are one of those folks who hate the dot-syntax.)

It’s debatable if using acessors in init and dealloc is a good idea. I even left a comment on that post arguing against it. But since then I’ve done a lot of reflection, and in my experience using a @property instead of an explicit release/= nil solves more problems then it causes. So I think it’s the best practice.

Even if you disagree with me on that point, if the only places you explicitly NARC objects are init, dealloc, and setX: methods then I think you’re doing the right thing.


The last piece of the memory-management puzzle are retain cycles. By far the best advice I’ve seen on them is Mike Ash’s article. Read it.

March 31, 2009

How To Write Cocoa Object Getters

Setters are more straightforward than getters, because you don’t need to worry about memory management.

The best practice is to let the compiler write getters for you, by using Declared Properties.

But when I have to implement a getter manually, I prefer the (to my knowledge) safest pattern,

- (TypeOfX*) x;
  return [[x retain] autorelease];

Note that by convention in Objective-C, a getter for the variable jabberwocky is simply called jabberwocky, not getJabberwocky.

Why retain Then autorelease

Basically return [[x retain] autorelease]; guarantees that what the getter returns will be valid for as long as any local objects in the code that called the the getter.


NSString* oldName = [person name];
[person setName:@"Alice"];
NSLog(@"%@ has changed their name to Alice", oldName);

If -setName: immediately releasees the value that -name returned, oldName will be invalid when it’s used in NSLog. But if the implementation of [x name] used retain/autorelease, then oldName would still be valid, because it would not be destroyed until the autorelease pool around the NSLog was drained.

Also, autorelease pools are per thread; different threads have different autorelease pools that are drained at different times. retain/autorelease makes sure the object is on the calling thread’s pool.

If this cursory explanation isn’t enough, read Seth Willitis’ detailed explanation of retain/autorelease. I’m not going to explain it further here, because he’s done such a through job of it.


return [[x retain] autorelease]; is more complicated, and harder to understand then a simple return x;. But sometimes that ugliness is necessary, and the best place to hide it is in a one-line getter method. It’s self documenting. And once you understand Cocoa memory management, it’s entirely clear what the method does. For me, the tiny readability cost is worth the safety guarantee.


return [[x retain] autorelease]; increases peak memory pressure, because it can defer dealloc-ing unused objects until a few autorelease pools are drained. Honestly I’ve never measured memory usage, and found this to be a significant problem. It certainly could be, especially if the thing being returned is a large picture or chunk of data. But in my experience, it’s nothing to worry about for getters that return typical objects, unless there are measurements saying otherwise.


return [[x retain] autorelease]; is obviously slower then just return x;. But I doubt that optimizing an O(1) getter is going to make a significant difference to your application’s performance — especially compared to other things you could spend that time optimizing. So until I have data telling me otherwise, I don’t worry about adding an the extra method calls.

This is a Good Rule to Break

As I mentioned before, getters don’t need to worry about memory management. It could be argued that the return [[x retain] autorelease]; pattern is a premature optimization of theoretical safety at the expense of concrete performance.

Good programmers try to avoid premature optimization; so perhaps I’m wrong to follow this “safer” pattern. But until I have data showing otherwise, I like to do the safest thing.

How do you write getters, and why?

March 29, 2009

How To Write Cocoa Object Setters

There are several ways to write setters for Objective-C/Cocoa objects that work. But here are the practices I follow; to the best of my knowledge they produce the safest code.

Principle 0: Don’t Write a Setter

When possible, it’s best to write immutable objects. Generally they are safer, and easier to optimize, especially when it comes to concurrency.

By definition immutable objects have no setters, so always ask yourself if you really need a setter, before you write one, and whenever revisiting code.

I’ve removed many of my setters by making the thing they set an argument to the class’s -initWith: constructor. For example,

CustomWidget *widget = [[CustomWidget alloc] init];
[widget setController:self];


CustomWidget *widget = [[CustomWidget alloc] initWithController:self];

This is less code, and now, widget is never in a partially-ready state with no controller.

It’s not always practical to do without setters. If an object looks like it needs a settable property, it probably does. But in my experience, questioning the assumption that a property needs to be changeable pays off consistently, if infrequently.

Principle 1: Use @synthesize

This should go without saying, but as long as I’m enumerating best-practices: if you are using Objective-C 2.0 (iPhone or Mac OS X 10.5 & up) you should use @synthesize-ed properties to implement your setters.

The obvious benefits are less code, and setters that are guaranteed to work by the compiler. A less obvious benefit is a clean, abstracted way to expose the state values of an object. Also, using properties can simplify you dealloc method.

But watch out for the a gotcha if you are using copy-assignment for an NSMutable object!

(Note: Some Cocoa programmers strongly dislike the dot-syntax that was introduced with properties and lets you say = 3; instead of [x setFoo:3];. But, you can use properties without using the dot-syntax. For the record, I think the dot syntax is an improvement. But don’t let a hatred of it it keep you from using properties.)

Principle 2: Prefer copy over retain

I covered this in detail here. In summary, use copy over retain whenever possible: copy is safer, and with most basic Foundation objects, copy is just as fast and efficient as retain.

The Preferred Pattern

When properties are unavailable, this is my “go-to” pattern:

- (void) setX:(TypeOfX*)newX;
  [memberVariableThatHoldsX autorelease];
  memberVariableThatHoldsX = [newX copy];

Sometimes I use use retain, or very rarely mutableCopy, instead of copy. But if autorelease won’t work, then I use a different pattern. I have a few reasons for writing setters this way.

Reason: Less Code

This pattern is only two lines of code, and has no conditionals. There is very little that can I can screw up when writing it. It always does the same thing, which simplifies debugging.

Reason: autorelease Defers Destruction

Using autorelease instead of release is just a little bit safer, because it does not immediately destroy the old value.

If the old value is immediately released in the setter then this code will sometimes crash,

NSString* oldName = [x name];
[x setName:@"Alice"];
NSLog(@"%@ has changed their name to Alice", oldName);

If -setName: immediately releasees the value that -name returned, oldName will be invalid when it’s used in NSLog.

But if If -setName: autorelease-ed the old value instead, this wouldn’t be a problem; oldName would still be valid until the current autorelease pool was drained.

Reason: Precedent

This is the pattern that google recommends.

When assigning a new object to a variable, one must first release the old object to avoid a memory leak. There are several “correct” ways to handle this. We’ve chosen the “autorelease then retain” approach because it’s less prone to error. Be aware in tight loops it can fill up the autorelease pool, and may be slightly less efficient, but we feel the tradeoffs are acceptable.

- (void)setFoo:(GMFoo *)aFoo {
  [foo_ autorelease];  // Won't dealloc if |foo_| == |aFoo|
  foo_ = [aFoo retain]; 

Backup Pattern (No autorelease)

When autorelease won’t work, my Plan-B is:

- (void) setX:(TypeOfX*)newX;
  id old = memberVariableThatHoldsX;
  memberVariableThatHoldsX = [newX copy];
  [old release];

Reason: Simple

Again, there are no conditionals in this pattern. There’s no if(oldX != newX) test for me to screw up. (Yes, I have done this. It wasn’t a hard bug to discover and fix, but it was a bug nonetheless.) When I’m debugging a problem, I know exactly what setX: did to it’s inputs, without having to know what they are.

On id old

I like naming my temporary old-value id old, because that name & type always works, and it’s short. It’s less to type, and less to think about than TypeOfX* oldX.

But I don’t think it’s necessarily the best choice for doing more to old than sending it release.

To be honest I’m still evaluating that naming practice. But so far I’ve been happy with it.

Principle 3: Only Optimize After You Measure

This is an old maxim of Computer Science, but it bears repeating.

The most common pattern for a setter feels like premature optimization:

- (void) setX:(TypeOfX*)newX;
  if(newX != memberVariableThatHoldsX){
    [memberVariableThatHoldsX release];
    memberVariableThatHoldsX = [newX copy];

Testing if(newX != memberVariableThatHoldsX) can avoid an expensive copy.

But it also slows every call to setX:. if statements are more code, that takes time to execute. When the processor guesses wrong while loading instructions after the branch, if‘s become quite expensive.

To know what way is faster, you have to measure real-world conditions. Even if a copy is very slow, the conditional approach isn’t necessarily faster, unless there is code that sets a property to it’s current value. Which is kind of silly really. How often do you write code like,

[a setX:x1];
[a setX:x1]; //just to be sure!


[a setX:[a x]];

Does that look like code you want to optimize? (Trick question! You don’t know until you test.)


I constantly break Principle 3 by declaring properties in iPhone code as nonatomic, since it’s the pattern Apple uses in their libraries. I assume Apple has good reason for it; and since I will need to write synchronization-code to safely use their libraries, I figure it’s not much more work to reuse the same code to protect access to my objects.

I can’t shake the feeling I’m wrong to do this. But it seems more wrong to not follow Apple’s example; they wrote the iPhone OS in the first place.

If you know a better best practice, say so!

There isn’t a way to write a setter that works optimally all the time, but there is a setter-pattern that works optimally more often then other patterns. With your help I can find it.

UPDATE 03-30-2009:

Wil Shiply disagrees. Essentially his argument is that setters are called a lot, so if they aren’t aggressive about freeing memory, you can have thousands of dead objects rotting in an autorelease pool. Plus, setters often do things like registering with the undo manager, and that’s expensive, so it’s a good idea to have conditional code that only does that when necessary.

My rebuttal is that you should optimize big programs by draining autorelease pools early anyway; and that mitigates the dead-object problem.

With complex setters I can see why it makes sense to check if you need to do something before doing it. I still prefer safer, unconditional, code as a simple first implementation. That’s why it’s my go-to pattern. But if most setters you write end up being more complex, it might be the wrong pattern.

Really you should read what Wil says, and decide for yourself. He’s got much more experience with Objective-C development then I do.

December 20, 2008

Automatically Freeing Every @property

Filed under: Cocoa,MacOSX,Objective-C,Programming,Sample Code | , ,
― Vincent Gable on December 20, 2008

Here’s a category of NSObject that can simplify a dealloc method. It adds the method, setEveryObjCObjectPropertyToNil, that sets every property of the receiver to nil. (Properties that are readonly or not an Objective-C object are ignored.) This frees the underlying object, if the property is declared copy or retain; and it does no harm if it was declared assign.

If every ivar (member variable) in your object has a property declared for it, then your dealloc method can often be replaced by this macro, or it’s two-line expansion:

- (void) dealloc { \
   [self setEveryObjCObjectPropertyToNil]; \
   [super dealloc]; \



Any pointers (eg char*) will not be set to NULL; this includes pointers to an Objective-C object (eg NSError** outError). Of course NSObject* obj will be set to nil since it is considered an Objective-C object, even though it is written as if it were a pointer.

It is easy to build on setEveryObjCObjectPropertyToNil and have something that sets pointers to NULL as well. But I felt it was too risky. Sending a message to nil is valid, but dereferencing a NULL pointer is a “bus error” crash. [nil release]; does no harm, but free(NULL); is bad news. A settable @property that takes a raw pointer is a hybrid Objective-C, and “old”-C creature — I’ve never seen such a thing, so I’m wary of assuming that feeding it a NULL would be valid. Plus, opening the door to pointers means dealing with handles (pointers-to-pointers) and their ilk.


Any ivars (member variables) with no settable @property declared on them will not be freed. You can inspect your own ivars like you can @propertys (example), but it would not be safe to automatically release them. Some of them might be weak-links, meaning the object they point to was not sent a retain message. Weak-links are not terribly rare, for example objects always have a weak link to their delegate.

The Code

You will still need to download the source to get helper functions like SetterNameFromPropertyName() for this to actually run, but this should give you an idea of how it works:

@implementation NSObject(CleanUpProperties)
- (void) setEveryObjCObjectPropertyToNil;
   unsigned int i, propertyCount = 0;
   objc_property_t *propertyList = class_copyPropertyList([self class], &propertyCount);
      for(i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++){
         const char *propertyAttrs = property_getAttributes(propertyList[i]);
         if(PropertyIsObjCObject(propertyAttrs) && PropertyIsSettable(propertyAttrs)) {
            NSString *setterName = SetterNameFromAttributes(propertyAttrs);
               setterName = SetterNameFromPropertyName(property_getName(propertyList[i]));
            [self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(setterName) withObject:nil];

Download The Code

And please let me know how it works for you. I’ve started using setEveryObjCObjectPropertyToNil even if I only have one @property, because it means I’ll never forget to free one.

Warning (Update 2009-05-29)

Uli Kusterer gives a good reason not to use this code,

Don’t Use Accessors in Constructors or Destructors

This may sound a bit odd, but there is a reason to this madness. Constructors (i.e. -init methods in ObjC) and destructors (i.e. -dealloc or -finalize) are special methods: They are called before your object has fully been initialized, or may be called after it has already been partially torn down.

If someone subclasses your class, your object is still an object of that subclass. So, by the time your -dealloc method is called, the subclass has already been asked to do its -dealloc, and most of the instance variables are gone. If you now call an accessor, and that accessor does anything more than change the instance variable (e.g. send out notifications to interested parties), it might pass a pointer to its half-destructed zombie self to those other objects, or make decisions based on half-valid object state. The same applies to the constructor, but of course in reverse.

Now, some people that accessors should not be doing anything but change instance variables, but that is utter nonsense. If that was all they’re supposed to do, we wouldn’t need them. Accessors are supposed to maintain encapsulation. They’re supposed to insulate you from the internal details of how a particular object does its work, so you can easily revise the object to work in a completely different way, without anyone on the outside noticing. If an accessor could only change an instance variable, you would have very limited means to change this internal implementation.

Moreover, I don’t think Apple would have introduced Key-Value-Coding and Key-Value-Observing if they didn’t agree at least partially that it’s fine to do a bunch of things in response to an accessor being used to mutate an object.

Update 2009-11-29

I’m amused at the prevalent “Apple knows best” attitude. Bindings, garbage collection, NSOperationQueue, and so many other things, Apple has gotten wrong and burned me in the process. I always trust my own evaluation over their recommendations.

Mike Ash, Using Accessors in Init and Dealloc

November 14, 2008

Prefer copy Over retain

Filed under: Bug Bite,Cocoa,Objective-C,Programming | , ,
― Vincent Gable on November 14, 2008

(Almost) every time you use retain in Objective-C/Cocoa, you really should be using copy. Using retain can introduce some subtle bugs, and copy is faster then you think…

A Bug Waiting To Bite

The problem with using retain to “take ownership” of an object is that someone else has a pointer to the same object, and if they change it, you will be affected.

For example, let’s say you have a Person class with a straightforward setter method:
- (void) setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace:(NSArray*)newNames {
   [thingsToCallTheBossToHisFace autorelease];
   thingsToCallTheBossToHisFace = [newNames retain];

And you use it to initialize a few Person objects:

NSMutableArray *appropriateNames = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:@"Mr. Smith"];
[anIntern setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace:appropriateNames];

//Salaried Employees can also be a bit more informal
[appropriateNames addObject:@"Joe"];
[aSalariedEmployee setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace:appropriateNames];

//the wife can also use terms of endearment
[appropriateNames addObject:@"Honey"];
[appropriateNames addObject:@"Darling"];
[theBossesWife setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace:appropriateNames];

The code looks good, it compiles without error, and it has a bug in it. Because setThingsToCallTheBossToHisFace: uses retain, each Person object’s thingsToCallTheBossToHisFace field is actually pointing to the exact same NSMutableArray. So adding “darling” to the list of names the wife can use also adds it to the intern’s vocabulary.

If copy was used instead, then each Person would have their own separate list of names, insulated from changes to the temporary variable appropriateNames.

A Sneaky Bug Too

This is a particularly insidious problem in Foundation/Cocoa, because mutable objects are subclasses of immutable objects. This means every NSMutableThing is also a NSThing. So even if a method is declared to take an immutable object, if someone passes in a mutable object by accident, there will be no compile-time or run-time warnings.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a good way to enforce that a method takes an object, but not a subclass. Because Foundation makes heavy use of class clusters, it’s very difficult to figure out if you have an immutable class, or it’s mutable subclass. For example, with:
NSArray *immutableArray = [NSArray array];
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray array];

[immutableArray isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] is YES
[immutableArray isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]] is YES
[mutableArray isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] is YES
[mutableArray isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]] is YES
[mutableArray isKindOfClass:[immutableArray class]] is YES
[immutableArray isKindOfClass:[mutableArray class]] is YES

Sad, but true.

copy Is Fast!

With nearly every immutable Foundation object, copy and retain are the same thing — there is absolutely no penalty for using copy over retain! The only time you would take a performance hit using copy would be if the object actually was mutable. And then you really do want to copy it, to avoid bugs!

The only exceptions I know of are: NSDate, and NSAttributedString.

But don’t just take my word for it! Here’s the snippet of code I used to test all this:

NSMutableArray *objects = [NSMutableArray array];
//add anything that can be made with alloc/init
NSArray *classNames = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"NSArray", @"NSColor", @"NSData", @"NSDictionary", @"NSSet", @"NSString", nil];
for(NSString *className in classNames) {
   id obj = [[NSClassFromString(className) alloc] init];
      [objects addObject:obj];
      NSLog(@"WARNING: Could not instatiate an object of class %@", className);

//manually add objects that must be created in a unique way
[objects addObject:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@""]];
[objects addObject:[NSDate date]];
[objects addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
[objects addObject:[NSValue valueWithSize:NSZeroSize]];

//test if retain and copy do the same thing
for(id obj in objects)
   if(obj != [obj copy])
      NSLog(@"copy and retain are not equvalent for %@ objects", [obj className]);

Best Practices

Get in the habit of using copy, anytime you need to set or initWith something. In general, copy is safer then retain, so always prefer it.

I believe it is best to try copy first. If an object can not be copied, you will find out about it the first time your code is executed. It will be trivial to substitute retain for copy. But it is much harder, and takes much longer, to discover that you should have been using copy instead of retain.

A program must be correct before it can be made to run faster. And we have seen there is no performance penalty for copy on most common objects. So it makes sense to try copy first, and then replace it with retain if it proves to be necessary through measurement. You will be measuring before you start “optimizing”, right? (I also suspect that if taking ownership of an object is a bottle-neck, then the right optimization is not to switch to retain, but to find a way to use a mutable object, or an object pool, to avoid the “take ownership” step altogether.)

Choose copy, unless you have a measurable justification for using retain.

UPDATE 2009-11-10: Obj-C 2.0 blocks have some peculiarities,

For this reason, if you need to return a block from a function or method, you must [[block copy] autorelease] it, not simply [[block retain] autorelease] it.

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