Vincent Gable’s Blog

April 27, 2009

Don’t Trust TIME

Filed under: Announcement,Security | , , ,
― Vincent Gable on April 27, 2009

Technical problems can be remediated. A dishonest corporate culture is much harder to fix.

Bruce Schneier

UPDATE 2009-06-12: See also, The Top 10 Most Absurd Time Covers of The Past 40 Years.

BREAKING NEWS 2010-08-26: The Onion: TIME Magazine Announces New Version of Magazine for Adults.

Recently The 2009 TIME 100 Finalists online-poll was manipulated with hither-to unheard of sophistication. Not only did hackers vote their choice into the #1 spot, but they stuffed the ballot so that the runners up spelled out a message!


Jeff Atwood called TIME’s web developers clowns, but that seems too harsh to me, since online polls are so inherently untrustworthy that spending resources trying to secure them is almost always a waste. Even if all the technical problems could be solved, the results still wouldn’t be meaningful, because they wouldn’t be a census or a random sampling. An online poll is a way to engage readers, and let them do more than passively consume. TIME’s poll succeeded there, even if it was gamed. (Arguably it was more engaging because it was gamed).

But today, April 27th, TIME’s writers disingenuously denied the hack’s technical team did detect and extinguish several
attempts to hack the vote.

When I first heard news of the attacks, it was already a week old, TIME’s whitewashing came two weeks after the results of the hack were published. Portraying the hack as an “attempt” that was “extinguished” is just blatantly wrong.

I’m a big believer in Hanlon’s razor: “never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.” But it’s very hard to give TIME’s staff the benefit of the doubt here, since by their own admission they were aware of the hack, and the poll results were “surprising”. It takes a staggering amount of stupidity not to connect the dots, or be aware of what was being written about you for weeks.

Consequently, TIME has lost my trust. If their denial was written in stupidity, it shows an unforgivably incompetent journalistic ethic. If it was a deliberate whitewashing of the poll results, then it’s an even more egregious failure. Also, what kind of an article announcing the winner of a poll only has pictures of people who are not the winner? (Hint: something by the hacks at TIME)

February 24, 2009

More Flash Hate and Graceful Degradation

Filed under: Accessibility,Announcement | , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on February 24, 2009

Adobe’s website for Air (their cross-platform ‘web for the desktop’ technology) requires Flash 10. If you have an earlier version of Flash, like 75% of the visitors to my website, then you see a big blank box.

This is a terrible mistake for the company that makes Flash. In no way does it inspire confidence that Flash is accessible.

The real irony is Adobe’s own website was the first website I’ve seen that was incompatible with the version of Flash I was using. If other websites leveraged Flash 10, they gracefully degraded so that I could use them with Flash 9.

When I finally upgraded, I couldn’t see why Adobe’s website needed Flash 10 was required. I wasn’t wowed. All I saw was some fancy transitions between slow-loading flash videos.

Just by being open, that one website used 125% of my CPU even when I wasn’t interacting with it. No joke, 125% is what OS X reported. I am using a dual core machine, so the 125% means that 100% of one CPU, and 25% of another were used — just to render a webpage I wasn’t even looking at.

Is Adobe fine with alienating 75% of the internet?

Why can’t they make their own website laptop friendly?

Why should I trust their new Air platform that “lets developers use proven web technologies” if its own website won’t just work for me?

November 4, 2008

The Perils of Localization

Filed under: Uncategorized | , , , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on November 4, 2008

The sign below is supposed to say ‘No entry for heavy goods vehicles. Residential site only’ in English and Welsh.


Unfortunately the Welsh version says ‘I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated’.

Story from the BBC

(Via Successful Software.)

October 11, 2008

Incentive Plans Always Fail

Filed under: Announcement | , , ,
― Vincent Gable on October 11, 2008

This article by Joel Spolsky convincingly argues that incentive plans will always fail damagingly,

As some of your workers substitute making the most of an incentive program for serving customers the best way they know how, the customer experience will suffer. Your best employees will find themselves fighting with incentive seekers to keep the business on track.

Co-incidentally I had a bad experience, caused by an incentive plan, at Best Buy a few days ago. I bought a GPS navigator, because I needed one then, and couldn’t wait for one to be shipped to me (even though it would have been cheaper to get one online). The cashier keep trying to push an “extended warranty” on me, even after I said “no” repeatedly. Undaunted, she switched tactics, and tried to scare me by telling me how often the model I was buying failed. At this point the sale hadn’t yet been made. But the cashier was trying to convince me that the thing I was about to buy broke all the time. Unbelievable!

If the cashier’s story is to be believed, she sees about one GPS unit returned every (6 hour) day, and sells about 20-30 in the same time. So now you know what I know about Best Buy’s quality and service.

October 6, 2008

Returning Linux

Filed under: Quotes,Usability | ,
― Vincent Gable on October 6, 2008

Our internal research has shown that the return of netbooks is higher than regular notebooks, but the main cause of that is Linux. People would love to pay $299 or $399 but they don’t know what they get until they open the box. They start playing around with Linux and start realizing that it’s not what they are used to. They don’t want to spend time to learn it so they bring it back to the store. The return rate is at least four times higher for Linux netbooks than Windows XP netbooks.

MSI’s Director of U.S. Sales Andy Tung

July 10, 2008

Money and Sales are Not a Metric for Good

Filed under: Programming,Usability | , , , , ,
― Vincent Gable on July 10, 2008

Sergey Solyanik recently explained why he left Google for Microsoft.

The second reason I left Google was because I realized that I am not excited by the individual contributor role any more, and I don’t want to become a manager at Google.

And I don’t know enough about Google or Microsoft’s management culture to offer any insight on this point.

I can’t write code for the sake of the technology alone – I need to know that the code is useful for others, and the only way to measure the usefulness is by the amount of money that the people are willing to part with to have access to my work.

He goes on to say that Microsoft measures everything in money, but at Google there are “eye candy” projects that are free, so he does not feel successful making them.

Now I feel the same way about writing code for the sake of technology alone. It is ultimately unfulfilling. And I have great respect someone who knows what they want to do, and does it. But I strongly feel that sales and profit are not the right metrics to measure how useful something is. There are several reasons for this

Customers and users are not the same thing.

Maximizing profits is distinct from, and often antagonistic to, maximizing quality.

The marketplace is too chaotic and relative to measure quality.

Ironically Microsoft Office 2008 For Mac is the perfect example. It’s the best selling version of Office for the Mac ever. If sales are a metric, it should be the best version of office. But it’s not (v5.1 may have this honor, at least for Word). Why it sucks is it’s own series ; I won’t go there for now. There are two big reasons why Mac Office 2008 sold so well in spite of it’s poor quality.

Firstly, there are more Mac users now then at any point in history. And Mac market-share is still rising. When 2.5x as many Macs are being sold today as 2 years ago it would be very difficult not to sell more copies of a popular Mac software package!

Secondly, 3 years ago, Apple switched from PowerPC to x86 microprocessors. Non-x86-native versions of office run excruciatingly slow on x86 computers. Microsoft made a “business decision” to not support Mac Office customers by denying them an x86-native update for versions of Office prior to 2008. There was a two-year period when the only Macs Apple would sell you had x86 processors, and the only version of office you could buy was not x86 native. This really sucked for users. But it paid off for Microsoft. They saved money by not supporting customers (which means higher profit, which is the only metric of good software, right?). But more importantly, it crippled older versions of office, which forced people to upgrade. People who would normally say “Well, I paid $500 for my copy of Office, and it may be old, but it does what I need, so I’ll skip the ‘upgrade’ and stick with ‘ol reliable, thankyouverymuch!” now had a horrible reason to upgrade. It isn’t that Office 2008 is so much better then other versions of Office, it’s that older versions of Office stopped working!

Customers != Users

I am a Mac Office 2008 user, but not a customer. Personally I think it’s is a shitty product, and I hate using it. But my employer’s IT department bought it for me, since it’s the only way to get Entourage, the lame Outlook clone for the Mac. And Entourage is the only way to get notifications from the company’s Exchange server whenever I get an email or calendar update, so I have to use it every work day.

You can’t look at the sale of Mac Office that I use and say “Vincent thought it was worth $500”, because that’s not what happened! What happened was that “Some company that Vincent works for thought it was worth $500…. because it played nice with their email server“. I hardly enter into the fucking equation at all! It’s more about the email servers then me, and I have absolutely no input on how the email servers were set up 10 years before I was hired.

Chaotic Market

And about that $500 figure ($499.95 is the estimated retail price of “Office 2008 for Mac
Special Media Edition”, and $500 is a nice round number so I’m sticking with it). Pricing is a black art. (That article is 5000 words, but I do think it’s worth reading). The only Office 2008 product I use every day is Entourage. But you can’t buy just Entourage, you have to buy it as part of an “Office 2008” bundle. And Microsoft loves to segment it’s pricing

So it’s unclear what you are buying, why, or how much of the money you give Microsoft is because of a clever pricing system, not clever software.

$1 does not mean the same thing to all customers. Obviously rich customers, say corporations, CEOs, etc. can pay more for something then the average Joe. Software that targets corporations or governments obviously will have a sticker price orders of magnitude higher then, say, a blog-authoring tool. But it is a mistake to conclude that just because a blogger can’t part with more money, that blogging software is less useful then “enterprise” email clients. Both fundamentally are communication tools, and both have changed the way that people interact.

Measuring “Good”

So how do you measure quality? There are several ways. User satisfaction, though hard to quantify, is probably the best. I recently attended a Red Cross training session on how to use AEDs. The teacher highly recommended the Zoll brand units we had purchased, and told us a few war-stories about how well Zoll-made equipment held up in the field, even after being dropped off the back of ambulances, and run over with a fire-engine. You only get high praise from your users by doing things right. (It’s possible to get praise from your customers by being cheap)

Another measure is productivity — how much more have people been able to do by using new software? This is quantifiable as time-to-complete-a-project or projects-completed-per-unit-time. However, it may be expensive to measure.

Unfortunately there is no silver bullet. Measurement is always difficult to do well — especially outside of a laboratory. Profit and sales are a data point. And they can tell you something — but they are not a good proxy for utility, satisfaction, or quality.

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